How to Adopt a ‘Don’t List’ To Improve Your Goals

Don’t List can be a powerful affirmation.

From the moment we wake up to the second we go to sleep, there are always things to do, decisions to make, and requests to respond to.

We often create to-do lists to manage these responsibilities and ensure we stay on track.

But what about the things we shouldn’t do?

Enter the Don’t List1—an almost revolutionary approach to time management and personal discipline. While a to-do list helps you organize tasks and responsibilities, a Don’t List is about boundaries. It’s a strategic method to guard your time, energy, and focus by defining what not to engage with.

sticky notes on board, prioritization of time.
Photo by Polina Zimmerman

A Don’t List is a way of saying, “These are the things I refuse to waste my time on, no matter what happens today.

It's like your true north.

Let’s dive deeper into why creating a Don’t List can be one of the most powerful tools in your personal and professional life.

What Exactly Is a Don’t List?

A Don’t List is a curated set of actions, behaviours, or habits that you intentionally choose to avoid. It’s a tool for discipline and clarity, a personal framework that defines what doesn’t serve your goals, values, or productivity.

Where a to-do list is focused on what you need to get done, a Don’t List focuses on what you should actively avoid—unnecessary distractions, toxic interactions, and time-wasting habits.

The Don’t List is more than just saying no to certain things. It’s about setting standards for yourself. It’s about acknowledging that your time is valuable and choosing not to engage in activities that detract from your priorities.

Why Do You Need a Don’t List?

Let’s face it: the biggest threat to productivity isn’t always a lack of focus; it’s the wrong focus. You may be working hard, but if you’re pouring energy into things that don’t matter or are counterproductive, you’re essentially running on a hamster wheel.

Here’s why you need a Don’t List to break that cycle:

  1. You Can’t Do Everything: The sheer volume of tasks, notifications, and responsibilities we juggle daily can be overwhelming. A Don’t List frees you from the guilt of trying to do it all. By eliminating unnecessary tasks, you reclaim time for what truly matters.
  2. It Sets Clear Boundaries: We live in a world where it’s easy to say yes to everything, but this often leads to overcommitment, stress, and burnout. A Don’t List helps you set firm boundaries, ensuring you don’t say yes to things that drain your energy or don’t align with your priorities.
  3. It Reinforces Your Values: The decisions you make every day reflect your values. By deciding what you won’t engage in, you define your values more clearly. The Don’t List acts as a discipline tool that reminds you of your goals and who you aspire to be.

A Don’t List Is Your Filter

Imagine your Don’t List as a filter through which everything passes before you give it your time or attention.

man in black tank top and black pants. Respecting the Don't Do
Photo by cottonbro studio

Every decision, task, or request either makes it through the filter or gets blocked because it doesn’t align with your values or goals.

For example, if your Don’t List includes “I don’t respond to passive-aggressive remarks2,” you’ve already chosen how you’ll react in situations where others try to provoke you.

Instead of getting sucked into unproductive conflicts, your Don’t List gives you the freedom to choose calm and focus.

This filter doesn’t just apply to conversations or relationships. It applies to distractions like mindless scrolling on social media, procrastination habits, or even overindulging in tasks that don’t push you forward.

The Power of Saying No

At its core, a Don’t List is about the power of saying no3.

Too often, we feel obligated to say yes to things that don’t align with our values or goals, whether it’s accepting a meeting that could have been an email, agreeing to help someone with a project when you’re already overloaded, or engaging in negative self-talk that sabotages your confidence.

By writing down what you won’t do, you make a firm commitment to yourself.

You’re declaring, “No matter what happens today, I will not stray from who I am and what I want to achieve.

This attitude gives you a sense of control over your time and decisions, ensuring that you stay focused on what matters most.

How to Create Your Own Don’t List

Ready to take control of your day and your life by creating a Don’t List?

Here’s how to get started:

1. Identify Your Goals and Priorities

Before you can create an effective Don’t List, you need a clear understanding of your goals. Ask yourself: What are the most important things I want to achieve in my personal and professional life? What values do I hold dear?

Once you have clarity on your goals, you can identify what’s distracting you from them.

2. Reflect on Your Daily Distractions

Think about the things that derail your productivity or pull you away from your goals. Is it mindless social media scrolling? Too many meetings? Engaging in office gossip? These distractions are the perfect candidates for your Don’t List.

3. Set Firm Boundaries

Your Don’t List is a way to establish firm boundaries. It’s not just about saying no to external distractions, but also to internal habits that hold you back. If negative self-talk or perfectionism keeps you from moving forward, put it on your Don’t List.

4. Keep It Realistic

Your Don’t List shouldn’t be too long or unrealistic. Start with 5-10 key items that you commit to avoiding, and make sure they’re things you can reasonably control.

As you become more disciplined, you can add more.

5. Make It Visible

Write down your Don’t List and keep it somewhere visible—on your desk, in your planner, or on your phone. The more you see it, the more you’ll be reminded of your commitment to avoid these distractions.

Examples of Items for Your Don’t List

Not sure what to include on your Don’t List4? Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Don’t engage in passive-aggressive conversations: If someone is being subtly combative or undermining, choose to disengage rather than get drawn into conflict.
  • Avoid checking your phone first thing in the morning: Start your day with intention, not distractions.
  • Avoid attending unnecessary meetings: If it doesn’t directly align with your priorities, politely decline or ask for a summary instead.
  • Don’t overcommit: Say no to requests or tasks that don’t serve your goals or values.
  • Refuse to indulge in negative self-talk: Stop telling yourself you’re not good enough or that you’re failing. Replace that negativity with positive affirmations.
  • Don’t get caught up in perfectionism: Done is better than perfect. Don’t waste time refining something already good enough.

The Discipline of a Don’t List: Guarding Your Time and Energy

A Don’t List isn’t just a tool for managing time; it’s a powerful method of self-discipline. When you create and stick to a Don’t List, you’re actively choosing to protect your mental, emotional, and physical energy from being drained by things that don’t serve you.

Think of it like this: Every time you say no to something on your Don’t List, you’re saying yes to something more important. You’re saying yes to your goals, to your well-being, and to your long-term vision of success.

How a Don’t List Can Transform Your Day

The impact of a Don’t List is often immediate.

When you no longer waste time on distractions, you’ll notice a sense of freedom and control. You’re not just working through tasks—you’re making deliberate choices about how you spend your time and where you invest your energy.

Here are just a few ways a Don’t List can transform your day:

  • Less Stress: You’ll feel more in control because you’re not saying yes to every little thing that comes your way.
  • More Focus: With fewer distractions, you’ll find it easier to concentrate on the tasks that matter most.
  • Greater Satisfaction: When you stay true to your values and goals, you’ll end the day feeling accomplished and aligned with your purpose.

Conclusion: Try Creating Your Own Don’t List Today

In a world that constantly demands your attention, a Don’t List is your tool for saying no to the distractions that threaten your focus, productivity, and peace of mind. By defining what you won’t engage in, you reclaim control of your day, your energy, and your values.

So, what’s stopping you? 

Take a few minutes today to create your own Don’t List. I can guarantee you will look at things differently.

It’s a simple but powerful step toward living a more focused, intentional5 life. The more you practice saying no to the unimportant, the more space you’ll create for the things that truly matter.

It’s time to take charge. Try it—you’ll be amazed at the results.


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