Interested in a Job? Maybe Look At It Differently

Whether you’re just starting your job search or looking for a career change, the following strategies will help you stand out and land the right job.

This guide will cover essential aspects such as politeness, CV updates, open-mindedness, mental health, curiosity, mentorship, pursuing your dreams, and even creating your job.


We are inundated with news and content about people promising six-figure salaries and how easy it is to attain one. Yet, after just a few months, we often see videos where these individuals announce they’ve quit their six-figure jobs to make money on another platform.

 Is this their way of saying they couldn’t handle the pressure and need to escape?

For some, work is a double-edged sword—providing money to pay the bills while simultaneously taking a toll on their mental health.

My suggestion is never to put yourself in a hostage position. It’s true that when you read a contract, it might feel like you have no options outside of it.

You do have choices, and you should exercise them. It’s your life—an employer buys your skills and time, not your entire existence.

And yes, you must make sacrifices to put you where you need to be.

Be Polite: Your Gateway to Opportunities

Politeness is not just about good manners; it’s a strategic asset in your job search. In the professional world, you never know who you might encounter.

The person you bump into at a networking event or even the receptionist you speak with could be your future boss or someone who influences the hiring decision.

The Power of First Impressions

Research consistently shows that first impressions are crucial.

According to a Social and Personality Psychology Compass study, first impressions are formed within seconds and can be challenging to change.

Being polite and respectful in all interactions can set a positive tone and open doors you didn’t even know existed.

Practical Tips

  1. Be Genuine: Authenticity resonates with people. Show genuine interest and enthusiasm in your conversations.
  2. Follow-up: Send a thank-you note or email after networking events or interviews. It’s a small gesture that makes a big impact.
  3. Be Respectful: Treat everyone with respect, from the barista at your coffee shop to the hiring manager. Every interaction counts.

Update Your CV: Make It Sparkle

Your CV is your marketing tool. It should showcase your job history, achievements, and projects that make you stand out. An outdated or bland CV can fail to capture the attention of hiring managers.

Highlighting Achievements

According to a survey by Jobvite, 63% of recruiters say that a well-crafted CV is the most critical factor in hiring. Therefore, it’s essential to include specific achievements that demonstrate your value.

Crafting a Compelling CV

  1. Use Action Verbs: Words like “achieved,” “managed,” and “developed” convey your contributions more effectively.
  2. Quantify Results: Where possible, include numbers and statistics to show the impact of your work. For example, “Increased sales by 20%” is more impactful than “Responsible for sales.”
  3. Include Relevant Projects: Highlight projects relevant to the job you’re applying for. This shows that you have the skills and experience needed for the role.

Be Open-Minded: Explore Beyond Your Comfort Zone

While having a dream job or ideal role in mind is natural, being open-minded can lead you to unexpected and rewarding opportunities.

Sometimes, the path to your ideal job involves exploring roles that may not seem directly related but can provide valuable experience and connections.

Embracing Flexibility

A Harvard Business Review report indicates that individuals open to exploring various roles and industries are more likely to find fulfilling work.

Flexibility can lead to discovering new passions and skills.

Strategies for Open-Minded Job Searching

  1. Explore Adjacent Fields: If you’re interested in marketing but have a background in sales, consider roles in digital marketing or market research.
  2. Consider Temporary or Freelance Work: These roles can provide valuable experience and lead to full-time opportunities.
  3. Network Widely: Connect with professionals in different fields to learn about opportunities you might not have considered.

Prioritize Your Mental Health: A Non-Negotiable

Job searching can be stressful, and it’s crucial to prioritize your mental health throughout the process. Stress and anxiety can affect your performance in interviews and your overall well-being.

The Importance of Mental Health

The American Psychological Association highlights that chronic stress can impair cognitive functions, including memory and decision-making, essential during a job search.

Taking care of your mental health can improve your chances of success.

Tips for Maintaining Mental Health

  1. Set Realistic Goals: Break down your job search into manageable tasks to avoid feeling overwhelmed.
  2. Take Breaks: Regular breaks can help recharge your mental batteries. Engage in activities that you enjoy and find relaxing.
  3. Seek Support: If you’re stressed or anxious, don’t hesitate to talk to friends, family, or a mental health professional.

Stay Curious: Understand What Companies Seek

Staying curious and informed about industry trends and company needs can give you a competitive edge. Companies constantly evolve, and understanding what they’re looking for can help you tailor your job search.

The Value of Industry Knowledge

According to a LinkedIn study, candidates knowledgeable about industry trends and company specifics are 30% more likely to be hired.

This demonstrates the importance of staying up-to-date.

How to Stay Informed

  1. Follow Industry News: Subscribe to newsletters, blogs, and industry publications to keep abreast of trends and changes.
  2. Attend Webinars and Conferences: These events provide insights into industry developments and networking opportunities.
  3. Engage on Social Media: Follow companies and thought leaders on platforms like LinkedIn to stay informed about their activities and needs.

Find a Mentor: Guidance and Motivation

A mentor can provide invaluable guidance and motivation during your job search. They can offer insights based on their experience and help you navigate challenges.

The Impact of Mentorship

Research from Mentor Network shows that mentees are five times more likely to receive a promotion and six times more likely to be retained in their roles.

A mentor can help accelerate your career growth and job search success.

Finding the Right Mentor

  1. Look for Experienced Professionals: Seek mentors with experience in your field or industry who can offer relevant advice.
  2. Leverage Your Network: Reach out to your professional network or industry groups to find potential mentors.
  3. Be Open to Feedback: A good mentor will provide constructive feedback to help you improve and grow.

Pursue Your Dreams: Take Action

Following your passion is essential, but taking proactive steps towards achieving your dreams is equally important.

Procrastination can delay your career progress and prevent you from seizing opportunities.

Turning Dreams into Reality

According to Forbes, individuals who set specific career goals and take actionable steps are 50% more likely to achieve them. This underscores the importance of turning your dreams into concrete actions.

Steps to Pursue Your Dreams

  1. Set Clear Goals: Define what you want to achieve and create a plan to reach those goals.
  2. Take Action: Break down your goals into actionable steps and start working towards them immediately.
  3. Stay Persistent: Pursue your passion with determination, and don’t let setbacks deter you from your path.

Create a Job: Turn Your Expertise into Opportunity

If you can’t find the perfect job, why not create one? Turning your skills and knowledge into a product or service can be rewarding to leverage your expertise and fill a market need.

You can even start by simply helping other people, and suddenly, you will have a job.

The Rise of Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship is becoming increasingly accessible. According to the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, technological advances and a shift towards a gig economy have driven a significant rise in new business ventures.

How to Create Your Job

  1. Identify a Market Need: Look for gaps in the market that you can fill with your skills or expertise.
  2. Develop a Business Plan: Outline your business idea, target market, and strategies for success.
  3. Take the Leap: Start small and gradually grow your business. Use your network to gain support and feedback.


Navigating the job market can be challenging, but focusing on politeness, updating your CV, being open-minded, prioritizing mental health, staying curious, finding a mentor, pursuing your dreams, and even creating your job can enhance your chances of success.

Embrace these strategies with determination and optimism, and you’ll be well on your way to finding a job that aligns with your aspirations and values.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Be Polite: First impressions matter—treat everyone with respect.
  2. Update Your CV: Highlight achievements and projects to catch hiring managers’ attention.
  3. Be Open-Minded: Explore opportunities beyond your immediate interests.
  4. Prioritize Mental Health: Maintain your well-being throughout the job search.
  5. Stay Curious: Understand industry trends and company needs.
  6. Find a Mentor: Seek guidance and motivation from experienced professionals.
  7. Pursue Your Dreams: Take actionable steps towards your career goals.
  8. Create a Job: Turn your expertise into a business opportunity if needed.

Embrace these strategies and take charge of your career path. The right job is out there—let these insights guide you towards achieving your professional goals.

Should I use AI to help me get a job, create my CV, etc.?

Yes and no. Use AI to determine which main topics are most important in a job specification and whether your CV aligns with them. However, I still recommend learning how to create your CV from scratch and understanding what you truly know. Don’t delegate this task entirely.