DevOps: How To Steer Your Work The Perfect Way

DevOps engineers can have a difficult days.

Ever wonder how to survive—and thrive—in the whirlwind of your daily duties? Let’s dive into how you can plan your day with a blend of efficiency, relaxation, and fun.

From Agile ceremonies to Git madness, meetings galore. Carving out time for yourself is crucial. We’ve got the ultimate roadmap for turning your chaotic schedule into a smooth-running machine.

Before we go to what matters.

How Much Can a DevOps Engineer Earn Per Year in the UK and US?

If you’ve ever wondered about the financial rewards of a career in DevOps, you’re not alone.

DevOps engineers are critical in bridging the gap between development and operations, ensuring smooth deployments and operational efficiency.

But how lucrative is this role?

Let’s dive into the salary landscape for DevOps engineers in the UK and the US.

We will explore what you can expect to earn.

We will also investigate the factors influencing these earnings.

DevOps Engineer Salaries in the UK

In the UK, DevOps engineering is a well-compensated profession, reflecting the growing demand for these specialists across various industries.

  • Entry-Level: Salaries between £25,000 and £35,000 annually. At this stage are usually performing standard tasks. Maybe with one or two specialized skills or certifications.
  • Mid-Level: With a few years of experience, salaries can rise to between £50,000 and £65,000 annually. Professionals at this stage are usually responsible for more complex projects. They may have specialized skills or certifications that enhance their value.
  • Senior-Level: Senior DevOps engineers in the UK can command salaries upwards of £75,000. Some positions offer over £90,000 per year, especially in London and other major tech hubs. Senior roles often involve leading teams, strategic planning, and overseeing large-scale projects.
  • Contract vs. Permanent: Contract DevOps engineers in the UK can earn higher hourly rates compared to their permanent counterparts. Daily rates for contractors can range from £400 to £600. This translates to annual earnings of £80,000 to £120,000 if working full-time.
  • Factors Influencing Salaries: Salaries can vary based on location. London generally offers higher pay due to the higher cost of living. The specific industry (e.g., finance, tech, healthcare) and the level of expertise or niche skills (e.g., cloud platforms, security) can impact earnings.

DevOps Engineer Salaries in the US

In the US, DevOps engineering is a highly sought-after role. It offers competitive salaries that reflect its importance in modern IT operations.

  • Entry-Level: Entry-level positions typically offer salaries between $75,000 and $90,000 annually for those new to the field. Cities like Austin, Denver, and Atlanta offer competitive starting salaries. They maintain a lower cost of living than tech giants like San Francisco.
  • Mid-Level: With several years of experience, DevOps engineers can expect to earn between $95,000 and $130,000 per year. Professionals at this level will likely handle more sophisticated tasks. These include automation and infrastructure management. They may also possess additional certifications.
  • Senior-Level: Senior DevOps engineers in the US can command salaries ranging from $140,000 to $180,000 per year. Some positions exceed $200,000 in major tech hubs like Silicon Valley, New York City, and Seattle. Senior roles often involve significant responsibilities, including team leadership, strategic decision-making, and high-impact projects.
  • Contract vs. Permanent: Contract DevOps engineers in the US often earn higher hourly rates compared to permanent employees. Hourly rates can range from $80 to $150, translating to annual earnings of $160,000 to $300,000 if working full-time.
  • Factors Influencing Salaries: In the US, salaries vary widely based on geographic location. Tech hubs like San Francisco, Seattle, and New York offer the highest pay. The industry sector (e.g., tech, finance, healthcare) and specialized skills (e.g., cloud computing, cybersecurity) also play significant roles in determining salary levels.

Comparing Salaries: UK vs. US

When comparing DevOps engineer salaries between the UK and the US, several key differences emerge:

  • Overall Compensation: DevOps engineers in the US generally earn higher salaries than their UK counterparts. This disparity is partly due to the higher cost of living in major US tech hubs. There is also increased demand for tech talent.
  • Cost of Living: Living in cities like London and San Francisco can significantly impact salary expectations. While salaries may be higher in the US, the cost of living, especially in tech hubs, can offset these gains. In contrast, wages in the UK might be lower. However, the cost of living in many UK cities can be more manageable.
  • Contract Work: In the UK and the US, contract DevOps engineers earn higher rates than permanent employees. US contractors tend to have higher hourly rates. This reflects the greater demand and cost of living in major tech cities.

A career as a DevOps engineer offers lucrative earning potential in the UK and the US. Salaries reflect the role’s importance in today’s tech-driven world.

Still to become a great DevOps engineer you need to have a process in place for your daily activities.

Kickoff Your Day with a Morning Routine

First things first: start your day with a bang! No, not literally.

Think of your morning routine as your DevOps pre-flight checklist.

Check your calendar, glance at your to-do list, and get a game plan ready.

This is your chance to set the tone for a productive day. Take a deep breath. Get psyched for what’s coming.

Ride the Agile Wave

Ah, Agile ceremonies—the DevOps version of a group workout session.

Here’s how to groove through these meetings like a pro:

  • Daily Stand-Up: Picture this as your daily huddle. It’s quick, it’s snappy, and it’s where you catch up with your team. Share what you’re working on, flag any roadblocks, and get pumped about your daily goals. It’s like the morning pep talk you didn’t know you needed.
  • Sprint Planning: This is where you and your team map out the epic quest for the sprint. Prioritize tasks, set goals, and figure out who’s doing what. Think of it as plotting out your treasure map for the next few weeks.
  • Sprint Review: Time to showcase your victories! Show off what you’ve built, gather feedback, and bask in the glory (or plot the improvement course). This is where you celebrate your triumphs and tweak your approach based on feedback.
  • Sprint Retrospective: After the review, gather the team and reflect on the sprint. What went well? What could be better? It’s like a group therapy session but with more charts and fewer tissues. Use this time to figure out how to be even more awesome next time.

Be Good at Git

Git: it’s the lifeblood of modern development and a daily rollercoaster for many DevOps engineers.

Here’s how to ride that Git wave without wiping out:

  • Morning Sync: Kickstart your day by syncing your local repository with the remote. This keeps you in sync with the latest updates and avoids those pesky merge conflicts. It’s like checking the weather before you head out—essential for a smooth ride.
  • Feature Branching: Work on new features or fixes in separate branches. It’s like keeping your experiments in a lab rather than mixing them with the main recipe. Commit your changes, push them, and keep your main branch pristine.
  • Code Reviews: Allocate time to review pull requests. It’s like being a quality control expert for your team’s code. Offer constructive feedback, catch those sneaky bugs, and keep the codebase clean.
  • Merge and Deploy: Set aside time for merging and deploying updates. Follow best practices to avoid conflicts and test thoroughly. This is the part where you get to hit the big red launch button. Just make sure it’s not a false alarm.

Collaborate Like a Pro

DevOps engineers don’t work in isolation. Your day should include ample time for collaborating with colleagues.

Here’s how to nail it:

  • Team Meetings: Regular catch-ups with your team keep everyone on track. Whether discussing ongoing projects or solving problems, these meetings ensure you sing from the same hymn sheet.
  • Pair Programming: Dive into code with a colleague through pair programming. It’s like having a coding buddy who’s always there to help debug, brainstorm, and high-five over a job well done.
  • Cross-Functional Collaboration: Work closely with development, QA, and operations teams. Understanding their needs and challenges helps align your work with broader goals. It’s like being part of a super-team where everyone has a unique power.

Meetings: The Necessary Evil

Meetings can easily take over your day, so here’s how to handle them like a seasoned pro:

  • Prioritize: Not every meeting deserves a spot on your calendar. Focus on those that are crucial to your work. Politely decline or delegate less important ones. Think of it as curating a playlist—you want only the hits.
  • Prepare: Before a meeting, review the agenda and prepare your talking points. This will ensure that you’re not just a passive participant but an active contributor.
  • Timebox: Stick to scheduled times. If a meeting drags on, suggest a follow-up or move the discussion to email. This keeps your day from spiraling into an endless meeting loop.
  • Follow-Up: After meetings, tackle action items and ensure tasks are tracked. This is where you turn meeting decisions into tangible results.

Relax and Recharge

Even DevOps engineers need to hit the pause button. Here’s how to build relaxation into your schedule:

  • Breaks: Take short breaks throughout the day. Whether it’s a quick walk, grabbing a coffee, or just staring out the window, breaks help recharge your brain.
  • Lunch: Use your lunch break to step away from work. Engage in something enjoyable, whether it’s chatting with colleagues or just savoring a good meal.
  • End-of-Day Routine: Wind down at the end of the day. Establish a routine to signal the end of work, helping you disconnect and recharge for tomorrow.

Invest in Learning

In the fast-paced world of DevOps, continuous learning is your secret weapon.

Here’s how to fit it into your busy schedule:

  • Online Courses: Dive into courses on new technologies or tools. Platforms like Coursera or Udemy offer a treasure trove of knowledge.
  • Certifications: Earn certifications to validate your skills. They’re like badges of honour on your professional journey.
  • Reading: Keep up with industry trends by reading books, blogs, and articles. Knowledge is power, and staying informed helps you stay ahead.
  • Community Engagement: Join forums, attend webinars, or meet with local groups. Networking with other pros provides fresh insights and opportunities.

Plan for Career Promotion

A successful career in DevOps isn’t just about surviving the day-to-day grind—it’s about positioning yourself for future growth.

Here’s how to set yourself up for a promotion:

  • Set Career Goals: Define where you want to be in the next few years. Identify the skills and experiences you need to reach those goals.
  • Seek Feedback: Regularly ask for feedback from peers and supervisors. Use this input to improve and show your commitment to growth.
  • Take Initiative: Volunteer for challenging projects and propose new ideas. Demonstrating leadership and creativity signals that you’re ready for more responsibility.
  • Document Achievements: Keep track of your successes and contributions. This documentation is your personal proof of progress and readiness for promotion.
  • Mentorship: Find a mentor to guide you on your career path. Their insights and advice can be invaluable for your professional development.

Reflect and Adjust

At the end of each day, take a moment to reflect:

  • Review Goals: Check if you met your daily goals. If not, determine what went wrong and adjust your approach for tomorrow.
  • Adjust Plans: Use your reflections to tweak your plans for the next day. Prioritize tasks and set new goals as needed.
  • Celebrate Success: Recognize and celebrate your accomplishments. It’s important to acknowledge your hard work and stay motivated.


Mastering your day as a DevOps engineer is all about balance and planning.

Embrace Agile ceremonies, master Git, collaborate effectively, manage your meetings, and relax and invest in learning.

With the right approach, you’ll conquer your daily tasks and pave the way for career growth and success.

So, get out there, plan your day, and make each moment count.

Your DevOps adventure awaits—here’s to a productive and fulfilling journey!