Roles in Tech: What You Must Know?

Roles in tech, you’ve probably come across the roles of Cloud Engineer, Data Engineer, and DevOps Engineer.

These titles are often thrown around, but what do they entail?

How do these roles contribute to a company’s success, and which one might fit you best?

Let’s break down each role, highlighting the skills, responsibilities, and value they bring.

Whether you're new to tech or looking to pivot into a new area, understanding these roles can help you make an informed decision.

As you reflect on these roles, ask yourself: What excites you?

Is it building the backbone of cloud infrastructures, mastering data flow, or automating complex workflows?

Whichever path you choose, one thing is clear—each role plays a vital part in the tech landscape, and the demand for skilled professionals continues to grow.

Let me know if you’d like to explore related career options or explore any of these roles further!

Keep an eye on this page for more roles.