Self-Doubt: Embracing Human Connection in a Tech-Driven World

Believe it or not, we are living in an era where self-doubt is both promoted and endorsed. Whether through adverts, job roles, or everyday life, it often feels like we are never good enough and that more is demanded of us than ever before.

For some, this is particularly challenging. Many people possess remarkable skills but find themselves in countries where their talents are underappreciated and underpaid. The option to work abroad is often a demanding and distant dream. I have mentored exceptional engineers and individuals with outstanding technical and soft skills, only to see them hit invisible barriers that hinder their progress and limit their contributions to society.

In today’s world, it seems we are often reduced to numbers or replaceable items on a shelf. We are real people with lives, families, and responsibilities. The focus on AI and apps as solutions to all problems can make it feel like we are mere afterthoughts, overlooked and undervalued.

Investment in technology is astronomical, yet investment in people often seems neglected. Fortunately, not all companies follow this trend. Increasingly, we are realising the need for a more humane approach. People are turning to “old” games instead of the latest releases, rediscovering vinyl records, cassettes, and CDs. We, as social beings, need genuine social interactions and meaningful work rather than just perks. The current environment often fosters a sense of self-doubt, driven by a relentless, impersonal pace.

There is nothing quite like the warmth of a hug from another person. Believe in yourself and remember that you are valuable beyond measure.