

Performance Review: Why Biannual Reviews Foster Better Outcomes

Performance reviews for engineers, whose roles often involve complex, long-term projects and constant adaptation to new technologies, the annual performance review may not be the most effective tool for evaluating progress, fostering growth, or aligning with the fast-paced nature of the work. Frequent Review Cycles Instead, a more frequent review cycle, such as biannual performance …

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Data Engineer: Great Technical and Soft Skills for 2025

Imagine a world without data—no recommendations when you open your favourite app, no smart suggestions when searching for something online, and no intelligent systems making your workday easier. Sounds strange, right? That’s because data has become an integral part of our lives, often working behind the scenes in ways we might not even notice. At …

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DevOps logo, with all the stages

How to Become a DevOps Engineer in Six Months: A 3, 6, and 9-Month Approach

DevOps Engineer in six months may sound ambitious, but it’s possible if you break it down into manageable steps. By dedicating 2 hours a day, you can build the foundational skills required for a DevOps role. Keep in mind, that this is a journey, and the key to success lies in consistency, adaptability, and focus …

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